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What is VIAprost?
It is a nutritional supplement specially formulated by urologists to maintain the health of the prostate gland in perfect condition.
¿Qué beneficios aporta?
Natural Astaxanthin
Natural astaxanthin is a carotenoid, mainly from algae ( Haematococcus pluviales ), one of the most powerful antioxidants known. Eliminates free radicals resulting from cellular oxidation and removes them from the body
How to use
Take 1 sachet a day in 200 mL of water , preferably in the morning.
Agente de carga: Celulosa microc-ristalina; D-manosa, extracto de hojas de olivo. segundo. (Olea europaea L.) tit. 40% Oleuropeína, extracto de corteza de segundo. Pinus syvestris Litt. 90% Proantocianidinas, Vitamina C (Ácido L-Ascórbico), Antiaglo-merantes: Dióxido de silicio, Sales magnésicas de ácidos grasos; Gel de aloe vera en polvo para la piel del seno (Aloe vera (L.) Burm. F.).
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